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True Colours
Shining Through

Saturday, July 26, 2008 // 11:16 PM

last night i was watching game plan with Raina and mum. I find it a interesting show and i think its reflects like a long lost father and daughter. I actually have watch that show before but this time with a different feeling toward the show.

The first time i watched it,i felt it was just a normal show plainly about the father losing his daughter and she comes back to acknowledge him. However my whole thinking change after after reading this book by Rachel Gibson,simply irresistible.(well kids should not read this book due to some explicit stuff, i never said explicit in which area).It is about this lady, who was gonna marry some old man, she had a change in mind and then ran off with his star player in hockey.They had a fling and then he drop her off at the airport.7 years later he found out she has his little girl and he wants to be back in her life.

i mean this story is similar to the game plan.I watch this show again, understanding, how the man feels when he wants his little girl back. I think the movie has become more meaningful when you learn the person's emotions.

Anyway that something to reflect.

