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True Colours
Shining Through

Sunday, October 28, 2007 // 2:54 PM

hi bloggie

guess wat
i feel FAT
i just talk to dad
and he was like saying that my objective in running is wrong
he say i should make my objective of having a healthy lifestyle
and not running so i can lose weight
but how am i gonna lose weight la
i desperately needa lose weight and quick
but i can't go through the unconventional methods like lipo
or weight loss centers la
just gotta exercise la
but i dun like dragging myself down to the gym to run
i really hate it
anyway i am not sure if i will lose wait and be skinny one day
i hope somehow i will lose all my fat
i hope la
but hoping is no point la
must do something
so if you guys got idea
let me noe
an pls dun tell me go run on the treadmill cause it ain't working

anyway today was church was good i thought worship was good
as i like found back a feeling that i lost long ago during worship
well today sharing was quite reflective to me
well i just have to say that i cannot be perfect so how am i gonna be a good Christian
i redo my old sins which is bad
but i am not perfect la
so i just feel really bad la
i dunnoe wat to do

anyway the biggest worry is being fat now la
so help me ok
and give me ideas

