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True Colours
Shining Through

Thursday, April 24, 2008 // 5:44 PM

somehow everyone of the relationships i know seems to fall out .Mine was no exception ( other than the one with xinyi) too. If being young we can't handle relationship and make them last longer than 3 months.How are we gonna handle the future relationships and even life after wedding.I am to be truthful quite afraid of a relationship.Yes every girl wants a guy to love her with all his heart and stuff like that but seriously in life is there even happy endings.I am sick and tired of seeing people i know get hurt in a relationship.Seriously what do guys think girls are? Somebody whom you can play with either physically, emotionally or both.It is not fun la. Women go through so much in life and they really do it with both heart and soul.

Women's pain: First they have to go through periods, which every women can vow that there is pain due to muscle cramps then later, when she meet a guy, he breaks her heart, being very emotional creatures we naturally cry over it and not once, twice but many times.That's another pain then when in comes to the breaking of membrane after marriage(scientifically speaking, my science knowledge)it should hurt(i think). Then comes labour pain ,my mum having to push me out was hurting like crazy .Then Raina lim with the triangle head is even worse.How bout giving birth 7 times.My ah ma did lor. Then What bout the bad times you have in a marriage who suffers most, women.As women age , menopause starts so does the estrogens in the body, the ones that has been protecting us all along , goes away when menopauses comes.Then women have to suffer from breast cancer, ovarian cancer and what bout osteoporosis and high blood pressure.My Grandmother had to suffer from the therapy that came her way. See and we are not counting the unhappy marriages and horrible work.i know that men do go through the horrible heartbreaks ,unhappy marriages,sucky work and the cancers and pain of sickness. we women gladly endure the pain why cause we do it with love. The love for our futures, husbands our children and our work. Ok maybe not the part bout falling ill.While someguys whom i know are complaining bout their NS. Their muscles ache, they feel the stress and stuff like that.The end results is that they look better and become more capable but women after giving birth gain loads of weight, have a big tummy and flabby arms and leg. See and guys are still complaining . My point of view is that womens pain is worse then men's pain So if women are not complaining why should men.See women are so noble.

Alright that my point of view ok let me express it . If you guys have a better point of view then speak up. I will not say anything cause that your point of view and i will respect it.

On a lighter note,i feel free now.I can breathe better now and i am stronger now.promises are still promises but i will not enforce anything what so ever. so long as you are happy i will be happy and free.

that all for the happy ending i have
ladies who suffer from recent break up stay strong cause one day you will get to pity the guys who did not treasure good girls like you. Plus you will grow emotionally stronger

